The Azteca Taqueria Resturant owner walked up to me while I was painting the Dharma mural and we struck a conversation about a possible mural. We eventually made an appointment to come see his wall, a Taqueira Business on 3rd and Williams Street in San Francisco. The mural was a huge success where people from all over social economic backgrounds came together to symbolize pride and respect in the neighborhood. From L to R: Francisco Poncho Villa, Caesar Chavez, Frita Kahlo, Xochilpilli (God of Art), Emiliano Zapata Salazar.

Our mural was blessed by the local Aztec Dancers.

I was surprised by the size of the crowd. I think it must of been larger than what Trump had.

Local Police chief, my agent and the Chief of the San Francisco Fire Department was there to talk about the mural.

Our local Sisters Catholic Church attended.

Friends and family came to support the event. (L) Producer and DJ Just Jay and Public Enemy Drummer (R).

The SFFD chief of the department giving a small speech.

Chief Nicol Juratovac also attended and also gave a small speech.

I kept it brief and to the point.

It even included a ribbon cutting ceremony.

The city's pastor Amos Brown showed up to show support.

Hard work paying off by supporting the community and it comes around by the community coming out to support you. It's a circle.

Photo by Randolf.

De La Muertos Mural 2: The Painted Siren Tattoo Company 1714 Palmetto Ave, Pacifica, CA 94044. 10’x8’. July 2014. The met the owner back about 10 years ago when she first started the business and I wanted to help her put some cool interior mural up in her business. Check out her place. It's called The Painted Siren Tattoo Company.

De La Muertos Mural:Private Collector/Residence: San Francisco, Ca. 8’ x 8’. November 2017 Manny contacted me through my sister in the fire department. He wanted something that was "De La Muertos" related. So after doing some research together we decided on doing this design. The art took me about a week. I came through when ever I wasn't working to work this piece into existence.

I was contacted through a different agent to produce an interior mural for a local food chain called Curry Up Now. We did the store in Oakland and then in Palo Alto. It was different for me cause it’s the first time using different mediums instead of just using spraypaint. Wheat paste, stencil designs and with my spray painting, it definitely gave it a different look and feel from what I was used to.

Giant Panda Mural: 333 9th Street, Oakland Chinatown, Ca. 22’x25’. December 2014. I was called by a client who had alot of vandalism issues. After the first discussion, we both decided to do a panda to beautify the neighborhood. If interested in viewing more photos of the making of the Giant Panda. YouTube Video.

LMC - Exterior Wall: 925 Piner Rd, Santa Rosa, Ca. 18’x80’. Sept 2013. I was called by a client named Nathan Prowse to paint the outside of his business establishment a large scale spraycan art mural. My Client let me paint what ever I wanted but with some limitations. The city of Santa Rosa had restrictions on how big a sign can be indicating a business name. So we got around that idea based on a design that spelled out L M C in large looping tape. After several months, the client called back to paint the interior walls inside his music studio. The idea was to have a street art type of faces of famous musicians like Jim Hendrix, John Lennon, Bob Marley and Miles Davis. YouTube Video.

Created by Crayone and Alexander Tadlock.

WK Market Mural (WK Market Sign & Low Rider). Exterior Mural on 24th and Folsom. San Francisco, Ca. 14’x120’. October 2015. The corner store had some vandalism issues on their wall for several years. Each and every time a vandal tagged their corner wall, the owners were fined by the city to cover it up. So instead of paying almost every week to erase graffiti on their walls, they got in contact with a local community Art Gallery owner (Mission Art 415) who have access to many of the local artists and had me commission a mural the size of 14' x 120' feet. It took me almost a month because I was also notified by the City of San Francisco to join their Fire Department (A dream of mine since 1985). YouTube Video

B-boy Samurai. San Francisco, CA. January 2012 (15'x15'). I was contacted by Stash ICU and NeonBA to do a collaboration with local artists Apex and BamTWS. Ben Eine from the UK. DJ Neff aka Level from Miami and Paul Ramirex from Can Love/ LA Chalk from Venice Beach, White walls came through to show some support. It was originally to get rid of about 500 cans of white cans that was dormant for many years taking up space at alex's warehouse. So we happy to help in the discarding any cans. Once we got the art work on the wall it was business as usual. Several years ago, I showed my bboy samurai sketch to Stash and he called me specially to use this piece on this wall. I wanted to do something different. The moment was special because I felt like I was onto something. I was coming off a year of depression and even though I totally needed help in finishing this piece (thanks Bam) I knew this had to be done quickly. 50% of this piece was used with a fat cap because we only had two days and basically, by dusting all the white from the cans took the whole saturday, This whole production was done in 1 day. While everyone was spot painting the whole mural, I was filling every inch of this piece and it took me alot longer than I expected. Painting this mural was insight to a very good start to a new year. 2012 was a great year. Sure 2011 was a little different and I got up but this was the start of a re-newed intererst in doing more work on the streets. YouTube Video.

Woman's Face by Crayone at Jack London Square in Oakland, Ca., May 4, 2012 (8'x12'). Originally, I wanted to do letters, but once I found out that I was going to paint in front of the general public or people that werent writers (Graffiti writers) I wanted to do something that the passerby would be engaged in. YouTube Video.

Hello Kitty S&M Truck in the Mission District.

Grumpy Cat Mural Truck located on 18th and South Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, Ca. 15’x25’. March 2015

Pe Pe Lepew. Back of the Box Truck. it went from Hello Kitty to Grumpy the Cat to Pe Pe Lepew. SF, Ca. Mission District.

Cheshire Cat by Crayone. Box Truck in the Mission District. 2017

Call Socket Mural (Whole). Interior wall located in the 3rd floor of the Tribune building. Oakland, Ca. 18’x10’. June 2014. I had a friend who worked for a call center in the Tribune building and the company wanted to do a surprise party for their owner who also happens to own the Tribune building. So once the art direction was final i got to work on the mural for several days. Once it was finished, we had a surprise party for the owner loved it! But at the same event, a paint contractor who was also was a friend of the owner came up to me and asked me, "How much did it cost for the mural?" and I told him. Even though i did explain i could of charged more but a friend of mine asked if I can charge at a lower rate cause their budget was limited so I took that into consideration when getting the deal. I told him, "$2500.00". And what he said I will never forget... he said in all sincerity, respectfully with a little bit of concern for me..., "We get paid to paint that amount of wall space WHITE for $2500.00" (of course he uses several coats including a primer and all that but still... ) It blows my mind on how much we let ourselves get eatin up by corporations and not knowing our worth. Sure if you charge alot you might not get the job, so prices are given out knowing what you have going on in the background (current state of ones business). YouTube Video.

This was one of my first attempts at rendering a ladies face using only Black, Red and White. One would need to learn how to fade the colors.

The Dragon was fun to do because the elements of his horns delt with Atmospheric Perspective.

Female Warrior by Crayone

One of the last images on this project with a rose piece...

Falcon Wall. Berkeley Ca. April 2012 (13'x50'). Client: Matthew Willaims. Williams lived behind this wall and for years he has been witnessed to the plight of "graffiti vandalism". What he wanted was something that the artist can take their time and do a better work of art. The exterior mural took about 3 days of painting. YouTube Video | Painted with Saze (RIP) YouTube video

Tribal Warrior Mural - Whole. Lilac Alley, between 24th/25th St., San Francisco, Ca. 15’x25’. March 2015. Mission Arts 415 (Lisa Brewer and Randolf) along with several other artists, invited me to paint on Lilac Alley. One of the more famous alleys that has been painted with Street Art and Graffiti Art for almost 10 years. YouTube Video.

Tribal Warrior Mural - Detail. Lilac Alley, between 24th/25th St., San Francisco, Ca. 15’x25’. March 2015. Mission Arts 415 (Lisa Brewer and Randolf) along with several other artists, invited me to paint on Lilac Alley. One of the more famous alleys that has been painted with Street Art and Graffiti Art for almost 10 years. YouTube Video.

KOI FISH. Oakland Ca. April 2012 (8'x24'). This Art Is Mobil Us project was created by Richard Felix. Theme was "Bringing Art to the People". This 6 4x8 wodden panels was on one side fo the bus. The Bus is still running all over the Bay Area. It can be seen at Art spaces and it is exhibited in many art festivals. They are currently involved in Oakland's First Fridays. The Koi represents the the year of the Dragon. The koi fish goes up the polluted water of the yellow river and thus makes it to his or her final journey and becomes a dragon at the end. YouTube video. And also watch the YouTube Artismobilus version of the Video (Eskae and Crayone Interview).

2 Robots Fighting. Denver, Colorado, September 8th, 2012 (15'x15'). I was invited to attend Denver's Only Graffiti Art event called Colorado Crush. I was one of a artists repping the Bay Area. There were writers from all over the country which makes this event very unique. Once I found out everyone was doing letters, I decided to do something different and out of the ordinary. This piece took several days and after 6 cans of pink and 6 cans of red, this is what you have here. This is the day when I was asked by Else to get down with ICR. I was honored and I accepted. YouTube Video.

Quetzal Bird. Wall located between 24th and 25th street on Lilac Alley. San Francisco, Ca. 13’x13’. March 2016. My agent had a couple who owned a local coffee brewing company and wanted street art on most of their branding. The company is called 3:19. Both couple had the same birthdays. Both born on March 19. They had several beans that were coming in from different parts of the world and i really wanted to do the Guatemalan theme coffee. So after a few hours of digging into the culture and i found that the national bird will do fine with a little twist. Just found out that they put up a video and page on their site and on their about us page. Pretty happy that there are companies out there that do support the arts! YouTube Video (3:19 Promo Video)

1am Gallery called me to handle a client who's background was a little on the unorthodox side of art. The client had a medical condition and wanted something that represent him on the wall without the use of what was typically considered graffiti art. Bones, diagrams of medical procedures and medical equipment was somewhat along the lines of what was given to me from the start of the project. SF, Ca.
Stevenson Alley Mural (character). Stevenson Alley. San Francisco, Ca. 14’x45’. October 2014. The manager for Blick's Art Store in downtown San Francisco knew one of his employees was a graffiti artist and spoke about a possible TWS reunion or Pop Up Gallery Show inside Blick's. So the manager proceeded to erase a portion of the back alley of where Blick's business was located. When we showed up the wall was already buffed and asked us to paint the wall. So not only were we to have an art show but also a graffiti piece in the back to showcase our work. The wall and show was worked in as partnership with Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Blick's Art Store. YouTube Video Clip